Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here you’ll find the most frequently asked questions and details about our services
You need to know the date, time and place where the service will be done.
Payment can be done through cash, check or credit card.
As soon as you have the necessary information for the service (date, time and place)
– Send us a text message at 760-333-8810
– Calling us by phone at 760-409-9136
– Email us at [email protected]
We always arrive at the destination 30 minutes before starting the service to install our birds and equipment.
In addition to renting doves for funerals, we offer white dove release service for memorials, cremations, weddings, xv years, baptisms, first communions, graduations, sports and religious events, etc.
Depending on the need of every client can be at least 12 and up to a maximum of 100 doves.
Each and every family member and / or friends can, if they wish, take the doves to release them.
Yes. We can play any song, praise or instrumental music that the family tells us before with anticipation.
We will not release our doves indoors, at night, or at a range beyond which they are able to fly safely home. Nor will we release into certain weather conditions, such as rain, thunderstorms, strong winds, extreme heat and fog. During such conditions, birds cannot be released. The safety of our birds comes first. Sorry, no exceptions
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